Thursday, July 29, 2010

Diabetes Breakthroughs 2010

A wasp that special

Yesterday 'was one of those days when inevitably you look around with more' attention, just because 'and a' just arrived after a long absence or you do 'cause one has a blog to fill.

fact is that the first thing I did, and 'was recovering all the lost hours of sleep in recent weeks, and' was a bit ' what I would call the sublimation of sleep recovered, beautiful, really beautiful even though as usual I woke up the guy who collects the stuff from the houses and unused, the old well, with his cry that he was recalled to the Italian past in these parts: becchiaaaaaaa stuff. "

The colors and the lights of Cairo evening drew me strongly to go out and get lost in what is 'the city' without end, looking around in a Fiat 128 ever of the 70s, the first thing left me puzzled for a moment and 'was the petrol station. The station did not have things all pussies who are in Italy, diesel, LPG and methane. It was only four types of gasoline differential (Non-leaded to speak) at a fixed rate:
1. 80 cents per liter
2. 90 cents per liter
3. 92 cents per liter
4. 95 cents per liter
I think the difference is all in the amount 'of residual lead in all types sold, not bad.

The City 'was a hell of course, traffic everywhere, none other than our own. stopping often I could not help but notice the type of motorcycle that has been around these parts, two, Indian and Chinese style motorcycle yamaha YBR 125, all completely naked and wasps Italian, Indian and Chinese. To my great surprise I began to fake pass a wasp with a family intera composa da papa', mamma, figlia di 6 anni in piedi davanti al manubrio e figliolo di tre anni addormentato in barccio alla mamma. Ma vabbe', normalita'!

Io in tutto questo mi son fatto una vasca gigante da una parte all'altra della citta' con la mia crew, e poi come sempre ci siamo ritrovati seduti nella nostra ahwa preferita con un bel vento che ci accarezzava la gote (eh!), erano le duemmezza, ma non avevamo sonno.

Fra poco la preghiera del venerdi', pregate con me, verso la Mecca!


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