Sunday, February 6, 2011

Josh Hutcherson In Boxer Briefs

week marked by bad weather, here, 'ste parties. Rain, rain, incessant rain, so I did not know that much rain here in Atlanta, they told me that instead it rains a lot and I am not prepared me at all, I have no umbrella and I'm not going to buy it, was not included in My budget before you leave because it should come now, I wonder myself.

fact is that during one of these days of water, where it rained a lot, I walked back home (you know who is here to walk hell, because you are walking and public transport as much as I have said time and it really does suck if you do not have the car here, you're desperate, and I am), and no, I was on the sidewalk, and at one point passing a machine time and so I completely wet, a time to scream vaffa, it passes a second, literally everything that I sprinkle again, not much time to say things come in threes, well, it passes a third machine, which completes the work "Gasser completely soaked" which in any case had already been completed by the previous two cars, a disaster.

Here, Americans drive cars with automatic transmission, and every time I drive with a 'plan, the I remember that I'm cooler than you because I drive a car with style unochesaguidareperdavvero change while you drive a go cart stileunacheallaguidaèquasiunacapra.

The photo of me soaked there, I will mail you, I swear!

The other day, I went to that place where there was the concert of TDCC, there was an epic event, the event was called Fuck yesss , and you can imagine what was the purpose of the event ... dance. I must say that was one of those experiences that I could classify as an event-concert rave, that is the soul of the event was very rave while the environment was very concert, and deadly mix of pogo gente che volava, sudata, a ritmo di musica house e che urlava seguendo il vocalist: Fuck Yesss!

Capitolo Super Bowl: io me lo son guardato il Super Bowl, non tanto perchè il footbal americano mi piaccia, ma perché l'incentivo che mi ha portato a guardare il Super Bowl era molto valido.
Palestra dell'università, cibo gratis allo sfinimento e pubblicità che passava durante la partita e che faceva morir dal ridere. In circa 5 ore di partita, intervallata da 2 ore emmezza di pubblicità, ho mangiato 6 tranci di pizza americana, due cosce di pollo, un burrito, un panino di carne non di maiale, patatine a più non posso, pop corn, una fetta di torta bevendo circa due litri tra coca e sprite. Ora capisco perché l'obesità regna sovrana in questo paese. Tutta colpa del Super Bowl. Ora vomito, che schifo!



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