Thursday, February 24, 2011

Swollen Painful Parotid Gland


Street: TheFiXFiXFiX

Black Hair Salon Winnipeg


Cycling cultures distractions. The track disease. High quality singlespeed / fixed track chainrings. Eddy Merckx, Colnago, Campagnolo Italian marque period frames and hardware. Wedding and commercial photography.
cultures distractions. The track disease. High quality singlespeed / fixed track chainrings. Eddy Merckx, Colnago, Campagnolo Italian marque period frames and hardware. Wedding and commercial photography.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Urinating Lots And Very Tired

Come da promesso vi posto le due foto in cui sono completamente fradicio causa pioggia ma soprattutto causa tre macchine che mi hanno completamente splashato!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Nausea From 2010 Flu Shot

Crazy things!

Ormai qua mi hanno preso per un modello e guarda te che foto escono.

Qualche sera fa sono andato a questo date di questa sorority, invitato da una bella ragazza americana ;), il tema era "duo dinamico", ci si doveva travestire a mo' di coppia:

Fred e Wilma Flinstones
Banana e Gorilla
Giulio Cesare (fatto dal mio compare) e Cleopatra
Cheerleader e giocatore di football eppoi così fino all'infinito!

Io ero vestito da Kanye West e la mia compagna da Taylor Swift, vi si posta il video così capite il motivo e soprattutto di chi e di cosa sto parlando, essendo lei bruna si era messa una parrucca bionda mentre il sottoscritto era andato con la solita classe che contraddistingue quei pochi eletti: maglietta verde, felpa col cappuccio blu, giacchetta, pantaloni a vita bassa, sneakers da rapper, occhiali da sole verdi poi cambiati con questi .

La serata: Pregame, pregamma here is always, for any bullshit, that you make a mini party before the real party, mainly to serve drunk people, so then if you get a toilet or a stop can not you see, what matters is that Thou hast done or made. Pregame After, we went to the lodge sororoty, you should know that here there is a way that accommodates all the houses of the frats and sorors, then all these names that have both a mo 'of Greek letters, which then go to understand why so many intellectuals of crap for that.

However, once arrived at the house, everyone was ready beautiful, dressed to perfection. But first 'to go to the disco We scored on a paper to say that there was, however, a big mess of people, cheppoi to 'sti dates parties here, the girls or invite a friend, which is rare, or a guy they like, which is not rare or the guy with whom already out, which is not much less rare, and besides they are all couples, so if you put a mussel and we want to try one more pussy, well, you can not do because you can not understand what the couples friends and what not.

But ignoring all this, at 22.30 we took the bus that would take us to the coveted disco, this is definitely the most fun, bus stratamarro (Recorded: driver with a cowboy hat, very country style, with sunglasses that touch that never hurts) to side with chairs of leather and two poles, lap dance in the middle. Wild drunk women dancing on the pole, get down get up, get up come on down for a good 20 minutes, time needed to warm the soul.

arrived at the disco, I thought it would be better to continue to stay on the bus, to see what movement there, come down and go up, up and down, partly because the club was shit, a disco-pub, with dance Central and commercial dance music and strong lights (to say you can not do pork), with Justin Bieber served as the master.

Then what has happened has happened, is that you can not go into detail, cmq return to see people who do not stand up, and a laugh in his sleeve.

I have been shopping at 4 am, just out of a pub is the best time. first because there is a fucking nobody, two, you raise it at your leisure, and besides it is true that you are a little sleepy if you drink too much and drunk, but you have all the time and say all the time you spend with the whole the peace of this world. I thought me and my other buddies taking its electric trolley, but the last time we had called the chaff because the supermarket had become a carousel with bumper cars. Robe crazy.

Dear, now I have to study, I study, I have to study, as the first result is that it was not positivisssssssimo, so just party and a big hooray goes to the library!

Come on, I'm going to study!


PS: The pictures will be posted as soon as possible, I assure you!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Is This Thing On My Lip


Per il set clicca qui: Flickr: Album di CityZenCecco

What Can Affect Your Larynx

Clicca qui per il blog: Pistard urban road wear bike cycling jersey bib shorts shirt custom underwear

What Does The Numbers On Andy Sixx Neck Mean


Per il set clicca qui: Flickr: Album di CityZenCecco

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nadine Jansen Vidéos


Se hai 32.000$ in più te la puoi portare a casa !!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cheetah Footed Pajama

Cancun! Free food

cabbage rose more than a week since I wrote last time. I'm afraid to miss shots and not be as efficient as the beginning of my adventure, I was so good that I wrote at least two posts per week.

Fatemi aprire una parentesi. Viva l'Egitto, Viva il popolo egiziano. Venerdì 11 Febbraio 2011, ho pianto, tanto, commosso dalla forza di quegli 80 milioni di egiziani che dopo 30 anni di regime hanno potuto alzare la voce e dire basta! Mio fratello ha partecipato alla prima manifestazione di protesta, quella del 25 Gennaio, io non c'ero, ma è come se ci fossi stato. Sono così orgoglioso che lui sia potuto entrare nella storia di questo grande paese. Senza timore e paura ha sfidato la polizia, i lacrimogeni lanciati da quest'ultimi e ha protestato pacificamente. Non ero in Midan Al-Tahrir ma posso dire che mi sono emozionato tanto quanto quelli che erano lì. Viva l'Egitto, Viva il popolo egiziano.

Today I gave my first exam in the States, I do not know how it went, but I hope in the Gaussian.

Here are all excited about Spring Break, which is like our Carnival-Easter holiday, a week in which students of all States will devastate somewhere in the western and eastern coasts. It must be said here that the holidays are a bit 'out of phase, meaning that those north of the U.S. will begin the Spring Break from 11 to 21, while those in the south, like me, from 4 to 13. However, the most popular destinations are the same every year: Florida, California, Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and Mexico

To choose my friends and I italici, ci abbiamo messo una vita. Miami o Cancun? Alla fine si va in Messico, ma la fase decisionale è stato il parto più lungo della storia, la decisione più difficile mai presa fino ad ora.

A parte lo Spring Break, non ci sono novità succulenti. Il mio cesso ogni volta ha problemi, ed è la sesta volta che chiamo l'idraulico per ripararlo!

Le giornate iniziano a farsi più belle, sole e primavera, do lammerda agli americani giocando a basket e si cerca di studiare un poco.

E domani mi devo travestire da Kanye West, sì sono stato invitato da una donna a 'sta festa. E con questo passo e chiudo.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Is The Myth For When Your Nose Is Itchy



Saturday, February 26, 2011 to sPAZIO211

Carnival Swing with the fabulous

Also starring:

A show full swing!


The Ballroom KINGS, even when born in January of 2009, representing one of the most important the European scene of the bands that play a sound typical of the Authentic American combo band (Jimmy Cavell, Freddy Bell) that in the 50 teenagers were dancing to rock'n'roll overseas. Many of the musicians who formed the band have directly participated in the birth of rock'n'roll in Sicily 20 years ago. Massimo Rocca, a member from 1991 to 1997 of the "Silver Trio," Catania's famous vocal band jive and doo-wop, is the voice of the group. Luca Ciriacono , crazy-man slap on bass and John Ziino , drummer from the typical sounds of Sun Records to Jimmy van Eaton, are two other veterans of the rock 'n' roll in Sicily.
Il piano è affidato alle mani di Vincenzo Puleo , creatore del progetto ed ideatore. La parte ritmica della band è arricchita dalla straordinaria eleganza e nello stesso tempo aggressività della chitarra di Marco Gioè .
La sezione fiati è rappresentata da musicisti provenienti da esperienze comuni, che vanno dal jazz allo swing anni ’40-50: Alfonso Vella (sax baritono) Michele Mazzola (sax alto) e Carmelo Sacco (sax tenore).
La voce femminile è quella di Ylenia Mannisi : il suo timbro ruvido e metallico rievoca le grandi voci di Barbara Pittman e Wanda Jackson.

La musica dei Ballroom KINGS ranges from rhythm 'blues boogie to , to rock' n 'roll , the same that played in the big ballrooms 50s (the ballrooms for the note) and the show always the goal of bringing the public gradually to a physical involvement that leads them to become an active part of the show.
Since April 20, 2009 after the sold-out theater at the Metropolitan in Palermo, the band has participated in: Cloppenburg
the city festival (Sept. 2009), Leipzig weekender to Swing It (Dec 2009), at the Winter Jamboree Senigallia (Dec 2009) , at the Cabaret Sauvage in Paris (March 2010), the Vintage Festival Inzago Root (June 2010) the festival of the Costa Smeralda in Porto Cervo (July 2010), at the Summer Jamboree in Senigallia (August 2010), the exhibition "Gardens in the summer in Modena (August 2010), the Porsche show live - the night Roman arena in Padua ; the last appointments were the festival Rhythm 'Riot in Camber (UK, November 2010), and in December 2010, the great triumph in Greece with a full house for ten days in a row at the Half Note jazz club in Athens.

Before the live of the couple BALLROOM KINGS Chiara Silvestro (Chiarina Soulfulettes) - Giorgio Finello is unleashed in an explosive Lindy Hop, the dance was born in Harlem in the '20s , to the very dawn of jazz music . The
Lindy Hop is a dance of evasion, is the dance of a new generation that does not differentiate between black and white and in the 40s in the crowded ballroom across America to the rhythm of Big Band Swing . A dance
dynamic, elegant but always self-deprecating , in which the only recognized authority is the Swing music, with its irresistible rhythm.
George Finello , with years of teaching, she landed the Swing torque after the players in Latin America. In love with the Lindy Hop , which is total freedom of expression.
Chiara Silvestro devoted instead to the other side of the Swing Dance, Swing Only the : Jazz Steps, Charleston, Black Bottom, Tip Tap .

born in the spring of 2010, united by their passion for old jazz and popular pieces in the repertoire of American music 20s and 30s, with some excursions into the blues the first period. The duo performs a limited scope of the stage, however, remains tied to the size of street music, having played mostly in contexts of this kind. The preferred instruments are the 'ukulele and guitar, often accompanied and gladly by the sound of the kazoo.

sPAZIO211 built to resist area.
Via Cigna 211 - Torino
entrance € 10 from 22:30

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nadine Jansen Milking Movies

Trap top (A)

The photo shows one of the most charming on a gasser VW and its history has already been the subject of an episode of ' "Gasser's Corner" by the good bands: http://

Even though my favorite remains and Tar Babe Stutt Bee, I was lucky enough to photograph from near last and I can Bug-In say that I was captured by ... pussy.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Josh Hutcherson In Boxer Briefs

week marked by bad weather, here, 'ste parties. Rain, rain, incessant rain, so I did not know that much rain here in Atlanta, they told me that instead it rains a lot and I am not prepared me at all, I have no umbrella and I'm not going to buy it, was not included in My budget before you leave because it should come now, I wonder myself.

fact is that during one of these days of water, where it rained a lot, I walked back home (you know who is here to walk hell, because you are walking and public transport as much as I have said time and it really does suck if you do not have the car here, you're desperate, and I am), and no, I was on the sidewalk, and at one point passing a machine time and so I completely wet, a time to scream vaffa, it passes a second, literally everything that I sprinkle again, not much time to say things come in threes, well, it passes a third machine, which completes the work "Gasser completely soaked" which in any case had already been completed by the previous two cars, a disaster.

Here, Americans drive cars with automatic transmission, and every time I drive with a 'plan, the I remember that I'm cooler than you because I drive a car with style unochesaguidareperdavvero change while you drive a go cart stileunacheallaguidaèquasiunacapra.

The photo of me soaked there, I will mail you, I swear!

The other day, I went to that place where there was the concert of TDCC, there was an epic event, the event was called Fuck yesss , and you can imagine what was the purpose of the event ... dance. I must say that was one of those experiences that I could classify as an event-concert rave, that is the soul of the event was very rave while the environment was very concert, and deadly mix of pogo gente che volava, sudata, a ritmo di musica house e che urlava seguendo il vocalist: Fuck Yesss!

Capitolo Super Bowl: io me lo son guardato il Super Bowl, non tanto perchè il footbal americano mi piaccia, ma perché l'incentivo che mi ha portato a guardare il Super Bowl era molto valido.
Palestra dell'università, cibo gratis allo sfinimento e pubblicità che passava durante la partita e che faceva morir dal ridere. In circa 5 ore di partita, intervallata da 2 ore emmezza di pubblicità, ho mangiato 6 tranci di pizza americana, due cosce di pollo, un burrito, un panino di carne non di maiale, patatine a più non posso, pop corn, una fetta di torta bevendo circa due litri tra coca e sprite. Ora capisco perché l'obesità regna sovrana in questo paese. Tutta colpa del Super Bowl. Ora vomito, che schifo!


Friday, February 4, 2011

Halloween Baby Shower Menu

Holley, parts and codes

In regretting already dedicate Solex This gap (do not make me say what) to anyone tired of the puzzle, wanting to begin the review of a pair of Holley carbides.

- exploded

- retail shares

found the evening pastime, I just need your good wishes.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

6 Numbers Combination

Crusc8: new parts used

I did not want to deal with these parts, and so I started looking for good parts at low prices. Something has come from German and something was already resident in our country: with the drip tray that contains the fuel gauge (already home) is all set for the operation "chrome" . One thing amazed me: moldings found on these pieces are collected around better than I have!

Special thanks to Richard ( ) who sent me the parts colored chili. We welcome all
now: we will review the silver plated!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Softball Easton Sv12 Reviews

-The Party Is Over-

La bella vita delle prime due settimane sta diventando pian pianino un ricordo molto lontano, sono alla terza settimana di lezione e ormai non si scherza più, ho tanta di quella roba da fare che a mala pena riesco a ricordarmi esattamente quello che devo fare.

Ora stiro, lavo e faccio la spesa, cheppoi qua comprare cibo non è che sia proprio cheap cheap come si tenta di dire in giro, almeno, mia percezione personale, anzi percezione di tutti qui (gli studenti international), which is spending to much higher costs involved, then recalling the value for money is not the best, I feel like a poor man, very nearly one goes to latch the entire semester.

Here, in these parts if you do not have a vehicle you're really fucked, public transport is one thing that does not exist here in Milan than we really are in a heavenly oasis of public transport eppensare that Milan is only a fourth in Atlanta. Crazy! The only solution is the scooter to share with 10 other people, even if a scooter shared with 10 other people is like sharing you a plate of pasta 100 gr. with 5 people, I do not know if the comparison holds, ma più o meno è così.

Capitolo telefonia. Qua chiami, paghi. Ricevi, paghi lo stesso. Ma dove cazzo si è vista una roba del genere, lo sanno solo gli Americani, cheppoi il senso di pagare una chiamata ricevuta non ha assolutamente senso.

Questo weekend faceva bello, ora non più, si stava in maniche corte. Abbiamo fatto una partita di soccer, io e gli altri studenti italiani contro il Resto del Mondo (2 spagnoli, un austriaco, un francese e un messicano). Abbiamo perso (10 a 7) e nemmeno con tanto onore, perdonateci, davvero!

Sempre sabato sera vi è stato un party, uno di quei party che fai nell'appartamento one of your friend, a bit 'of alcohol, Me, drunks and guffaw from paiura, appalla music, and besides the police. One of those American experiences to be lived in full, you knock on the door, open the door (I, I was hiding behind the door, because that seemed to knock me snobbish) became the first black policeman fat, and goes back him, the second strategic muscular, and the first says, sounding good decision-The Party Is Over! - cheppoi you look around and see a English policeman says to the drunk-Do you want to join us? - and I I laugh that I can not do that, looking at the wall, laughing, I could not take anymore, but then, then nothing happened, just had a neighbor cock called the chaff and the party went over really!
this weekend then there was the rush (or recruitment of freshmen in different sororoties and Fraternities), have a huge party in this dingy pub (which, however, 'it seemed cool to me), Irish style, gay-friendly in the morning, and full of Emory students in the evening, always had an orgy, we were off a little, there were many people who wanted to enter, but 'and' fun to wait, 'cause there was a myriad of people pushing and besides c 'was' I'm the giant door, which was the bouncer, and we were pushing a lot, but he was really a giant and Push back all out there, this stuff and' twenty minutes duration, typical of we were idiot!
Lurther From the land of Martin King and 'everything!