Monday, November 29, 2010

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Platinum No Cd

Thanks Master ... Dune Buggies

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cartiledge - Acupuncture

here is the blog areas

Come già anticipato da Dru sul blog della sua Minnie , sono onorato anche io di comunicare che il buon Bullit (Filippo all'anagrafe) ha deciso di mettere a disposizione della rete molto del suo sapere sul mondo buggies, ma non solo.

Già la head del blog la dice lunga su quanta sabbia vi ritroverete nelle scarpe, non vi resta che cliccare and you also add to favorites: This is the link

Big Phil, waiting for the Beach Wheels # 2, we wanted to.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mother/daughter Yoga & Games

Cookery - Recipe # 1

first recipe that will open the kitchen section, why get off the beetle, you gotta eat. Since we live in a country that seems to travel backwards, it seems to me right from the sweet. Typically Tuscan, who mistreated them as "nooks and almonds" take these fantastic biscuits in fact the name of the Tuscan city that gave them the origins, Lawn, and is called "biscotti di Prato" (pronounced Prao). Here are offered in their most classic version, homemade, and I assure you that they have nothing to envy to the well known "brick" of a famous biscuit Prato.
Below is a quick report of culinary evening last night which made it possible to realize in about 40 minutes almost 1 kg of biscuits. It is part of the recipe for your convenience:
- 500 gr. white flour / 500 gr. sugar / 250 gr. of unpeeled almonds / 3 whole eggs + 2 yolks / 1 tablespoon baking powder / salt

Put the flour in the center of a bowl and add sugar, 2 eggs, 2 egg baking powder and salt (a pinch). It works the obtained by adding all the almonds and the flour mixture is a board where we are going to form "loaves."

The amount of ingredients, can make 3-4 parts, with a ladle prepare them one at a time that worked on the flour, do not attack.

Put the oven to 175 °, lies on the baking parchment on which to lay the loaves are obtained, taking care to distance 5cm from each other:

as (cooking) dilate slightly ...

Prohibited brush the dough with egg before baking (the "gloss" on these cookies would not be appropriate). Freshly baked, and still warm, cut loaves in cross section.

Distendeteli then on a large plate to cool

Once cool, a good glass of Vin Santo and dry on ...
exhaustive forget mascarpone cream, mousse, cream and other crap like that to accompany the cookies. Second, but not least, forget the variant chocolate "," the candy ", etc. .. are" tourist "and Prato have nothing.
PS the photos are not great, but cookies .... eheheheh

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wooden Trough Planter

Special thanks to: 90fisso

- imagine the evening on a Friday in a city without presentations: Rome
- choose a place to greet you a beer while enjoying the sunset down the reef and the trumpet turns characteristic of funk;
- turn the key again and go to Piazza Mazzini, since they are quasil lem 21:30;
- if you're the first, wait to take their place alongside other Volkswagen you as you open the second beer;
- now that you're not alone anymore, you just have to wait the time to put back on the bike and follow the column flatfour admiring everything around you ...

No, non sto inventando una storia, ma solo raccontando quello che " è " in realtà il " Roma de notte " ovvero il ritrovo che Marco ed i ragazzi romani mettono in piedi una volta al mese, proprio di venerdì.
Voglio ringraziarlo Marco che, gentilissimo, mi ha spedito una combo veramente di livello: oltre 2 ore di soul e funk targato Roma che hanno rinfrescato i pezzi che già stavano nel mio PC. E poi gli adesivi: uno sta già attaccato...

2 cose e chiudo:
- la prima, fatevi un giro sul sito perchè il loop della home page è terapeutico;
- la seconda, spero veramente di partecipare presto ad un funky evening nella capitale.

Best vibeS

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Allsp Allsp All South Park?

Oval in the dark

Ok, i mostri di Halloween sono oramai l'atmosfera che aleggia nel garage di Pippo (il mio carissimo amico che consente al maggiolino di svernare al coperto) sembra sia rimasta ferma allo scorso 31 ottobre...

Questa l'occasione per comunicare che le gomme sono su: speriamo solo che non abbiano paura del buio...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Homemade Surround System


For Miss rude!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Play Give Birth Games


è proprio il caso di dire: grazie ...1000

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Will Foggers Kill Head Lice

Rubio is a type ok

Uno dei miei amici più cari è Rubio, è un tipo davvero ok, discreto e silenzioso, quando ho bisogno di lui c'è sempre, mi ascolta e non fa una piega, non rompe mai, ogni tanto pero' preso dallo sfinimento preferisce mangiare anziché ascoltarmi ed infatti sta ingrassando, c'è voluto molto tempo per trovare uno ok come lui ed infatti gli voglio tanto bene!

Microsoft Rt2300 Drivers

Non-alcoholic beer with Mark appalla

Quando andavo alle feste alle elementari eppoi alle medie, mi ricordo i miei coetanei che si divertivano assai semplicemente bevendo un po' di coca cola, sprite o fanta, per non forget the fruit juices: pear, apple, apricot, blueberry and off to scroll endlessly.

I remember there divertivavamo just as much.

but I do not remember 'the urgent need for alcohol that beginning with the feast of the high school should be a must for us to come out and he enjoyed the party rocking all of us when we go to a party that will hopefully become.

hours past the supermarket to choose alcohol for the party that night.

age from 16 years more or less I think the first thing you do at a party and have a drink of alcohol.

I never understood but 'why it should be a must have a drink of alcohol to succeed in getting the party going.

I've never come, perhaps because I am a little bigottone and alcohol do not drink at all, but 'I assure you that I am not drinking and not getting drunk while I enjoy a lot at parties, and you know why? Well, one and I'm proud, I do not need to go out a lot of crazy because they are already my dick and two because everyone around me is so stoned that I enjoy to see them be healthy even more, considering the fact that most of them the next day will not remember anything while I'll be seized their innermost secrets and feelings: D!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What Kind Of Doctor To See For Ingrown Hair

Last night, I had the burden and the honor to attend as special guest (red carpet included) at the premiere of The Social Network, an event organized by the legendary staff of Radio Bocconi helped by someone more.
The film tells the story of the most popular social network in the world and that is "facebook" and its brilliant founder Mark Zuckerberg, beautiful, andatevelo see!

now is a bit 'of time that I created, designed, assembled, composed, designed a radio format of great innovation, the name of the program by now you know it all (I spammed I suck so much that I own) and I'm not even remember.

a format that is television or radio, if you're the creator, it becomes a bit 'like a child to care:
-Phase 1 "The Birth" is always a little hard, push push, the brain is being broken down, forget ideas are mindful of others and besides that push push finished brainstorming, you find yourself holding a sheet full of beautiful ink lines and lines down on that sooner or later you will have well-placed call.

-Phase 2 "The first days" the paper embellished it, caress it, you decide to write a computer, decide to clean it this way and that, even at that an incli punto eppoi all'altro, sottolinei qualcosa, le robe più importanti e quatto quatto lo salvi bene in vista sul desktop pronto per realizzarlo qualche settimana dopo.

-Fase 3 "LA PRIMA SETTIMANA": tralasciando tutto quello che succede dietro le quinte, e cioè la documentazione riguardo all'autorizzazione di essere tutore legale del programma firmata dai responsabili della radio, sei pronto per la messa in scena della puntata zero, quella della verità, ed è qua amici miei che si capisce se questo tuo format sarà un successo o meno.

-Fase 4 "LE SETTIMANE SUCCESSIVE": riuscire a crescere un figlio nel migliore dei modi è sempre difficile, devi istruirlo, insegnargli come si sta al mondo, ci vuole costanza e perseveranza e dato che anche tu sei un essere umano, ogni tanto sbagli e io ieri ho ceduto, l'irruenza del bimbo ha avuto il sopravvento!

-Fase 5 "LA RIVINCITA": se si è tosti e si ha la situazione in pugno, tutto è semplice, il bimbo ritorna bello pimpante, vivace e forte, e allora si è pronti a "spaccare" come si è sempre fatto!

A TUTTO GAS, Martedì 16 Novembre, special guest: ELISA PROVASO!

Honeywell Rth2310 Installation Manual

Muffler 1000 - cap. 2

Forse ricorderete la marmitta che non ho, almeno per il momento, potuto montare per problemi di decibel ( marmitta - cap.1). Nel correre the "temporary" shelters came to my aid the good old maneuver that, Andorange County, he delivered with the diligence that lived 4 to 1.

A rivisitatina was a must before adding the final considered the color of the car and directed vs. the sporty elegance, I decided on the white dress (here the final touches on color).

After the makeup, the collector is curious to know who will accompany the dances: and then comes the time to submit "Miss California" ...

The meeting apparently successful, has created amalgam, there are matters of common interest and the second is like.

Conclusion: I solved the noise problem, but I feel I have lost the charm of "experimentation" that characterized the pre-cal at the time I use the machine and therefore I consider this solution for the second time provisional. However, I believe that California can give the final aesthetic satisfactions becoming "muffler swap." You just have to wait a short chap. 3. So. .. stay tuned.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Do You Write In A Card For A Baby

Good vs. rear. Goodyear - forbidden dreams

would assume imagine waking up at night to a noise in the room, turn on the light and be in front of a landscape so (the sea ... because we are at sea?):

Other dreams through the mind of us boys, sometimes (and only then apples like that ...), are the 4 wheels Vw.

not remember how many nights ago I dreamed of this ...

Discounted ask what you prefer: the grip can offer a pair of Goodyear Blue streak or "squeel" of your biiiiiiiip amid the staid good rear of miss ...?

opens the debate ...

(thanks to wickedweasel for the pic)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How High Curtain Holdback

-live @ Jimmy Soulful sPAZIO211

Tuesday, November 9, 2010 live @ sPAZIO211


Tuesday, November 9, 2010



++++++ support djs SOULFUL TORINO

doors: 21:29
ticket: 15 €

Click here to BUY ONLINE

" The problem with an artist like Imelda May Is that she's so good, it makes a critical review Almost impossible to write, her performance is flawless. "- Clash Magazine

Imelda May," the woman of rockabilly "arrives in Italy once more with his band formed by guitarist Darrel Higham and her husband, Dave Priseman on horns, Al Gare on bass and double bass and Steve Rushton the battery. Imelda May

says about herself:

"It took me 20 years to arrive date. I started singing on Grafton Street, as many artists do today when I was 16. Then marriage, work evenings, bar, on ships. The dinners are the worst, people start to sing and move urlarti as Kylie Minogue and seek, drunks while trying to snatch the microphone kindly tell him to stop.

I lived for a while 'in London with my husband, but it's hard to keep when you're an unemployed singer in search of his golden opportunity. Arranged with the chores but to pursue my passion I needed time, and my album to break through. We have made many sacrifices

to publish my album 'Love Tattoo' abbiamo dovuto produrlo e mixarlo da soli, spesso senza sapere la funzione di molti dei pulsanti che c’erano nel mixer. Ma tante, troppe case discografiche ci hanno chiuso la porta in faccia.

L’occasione è stata quella di uno show ai Kew Gardens, dovevamo già cantare lì ma il produttore stava già facendo troppi problemi. Fortunatamente per me Nathalie Cole ebbe dei problemi e ebbi l’occasione di sostituirla. Da quell’esibizione mi si sono aperte le porte del mondo delle case discografiche e coloro che solo un mese prima ci avevano rifiutati hanno iniziato a tempestarmi di telefonate per pubblicare lo stesso album che gli avevo proposto poco prima senza esito positivo. “È così che funziona” is what I said.

The album excelled in the top of the charts in Ireland and I've never been so happy, even though I had my sound a little bend to the demands of record. "

The youngest of six children, Irish 36-year-old grew up in a family from whom he took his passion for music. "My father made me grow up with the myth of Elvis, Bing Crosby, Judy Garland and Deanna Durbin. I loved waiting for the drive ended, then turn it over and hear it again with him. Over 80 Years

my mom and her friends loved listening to the talk Liberties Musical Drama Group. The period we had in Dublin which was very bumpy, many unemployed and a strong drug use, a time when men were allowed all the women and still had a marginal role.

My best memories with her, however, are related to the evening, when I jumped on her bed before going to bed and listened to the radio until you close your eyes. She always sang the song Judy Garland's "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows," with the phrase that I loved "At the end of the rainbow there's happiness, and how to find it Often I've tried. But my life is a race, just a wild goose chase, and my dreams Have All Been denied ".

support djs SOULFUL TORINO