Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Dogs Cuticle Is Inflamed

Muffa's works - Part Two

Continuano i lavori di ripristino estetico. Dal colorificio Borge of trust was made to make paint L14 Mignonette Green. The result is good, much like the original paint. Rivernicatura hood, tail lights and all the different pieces of the body. To give effect 'living' has taken steps to sand with fine paper to painted surfaces. What do you think? And then another ...
discovery under the upholstery hides the original seats! They seem in very good condition, now must decide whether to display all (hoping to find them all in good condition) or leave them hidden for a few years ..

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Online Gabriella Hall Movies

Muffa's works - Part One

Borge took advantage of winter break for a setting in
road to 100% of mold. New funds, supporting the few points of the body eating away at the rotten little as possible its original green mignonette rare '59.
Revision to the engine and gearbox, restore taillights 50/50.
Here are some photos of the first phase.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What Causes Swollen Ankles Alcohol

The cinema of the Third World

Holla '! Here I am! You thought that I had disappeared with my beautiful Cleopatra and instead, a bit 'of time I found it to update the protagonist of recent events that they see me.

Then, the juice of sugar cane and 'more' good as ever, I can not stop. The drink more 'popular in Egypt is nothing short of exquisite!

Two nights ago I went to the movies, you know, there was a good film of this fine actor, Ahmad Helmi, that had me recount was strophic. Indeed and 'a lot of fun. Tell this boy of Egyptian origin who left a child to the States with his parents after twenty years he decided to return home and then start its vicissitudes, if the must 'do with all the contradictions of this country (a little' I was in his place). The funny thing is' to see this film that I ran into some contradictions in this country. When I went to pay for tickets, the ticket guy explicitly asked me to give him a tip before I chose the place because 'it seems, if I had not given me anything before I found the screen on the front row, after being entered the room, there was the guy who peeled the note and that took us to our seats (there were neither 'numbers do' letters on the seats), I held out my hand to the tip but not only that what dao I gave him was not a genius, and is' aimed at My friend and asked for more money, crazy! I saw people enter the room, who gave a nice tip often seize the best seats, but those who gave nothing is found in the first file (that effective punishment!) And the beautiful (ironically) and 'that was clearly a domestic lobby since who were 4 to make 'this stuff and every time if the spun jingling coins for good!

I discovered in one of the most 'important and beautiful parts of the Cairo, Al Zamalek, which includes among other things, all embassies in the world and most foreigners living in Cairo, two pretty good places, a style Arci directly on the Nile, that one wishing you could throw and it was swimming so it was close water and other things that always looks elegant and quiet with the Nile in front of the statue of the famous Egyptian singer Om Kolthum, it is part of the chain "the coffee bean and tea leaf tea" in short, if you're around and want Berva something here for sure you will find more 'than good!